On January 19, the Virginia Law Foundation inducted 13 citizen lawyers as Fellows and celebrated with the Virginia legal community at our annual dinner. Nominated confidentially by their peers, Virginia Law Foundation Fellows are recognized for leadership in their practices, their communities, and the Commonwealth. The Class of 2023 joins a group of more than 600 of the best and brightest legal practitioners in Virginia who are committed to the highest ideals of the law and exemplify the concept of citizen lawyer. Learn more about each of our new Fellows below, and visit this page for a complete list of Virginia Law Foundation Fellows.
Sheila M. Costin
Holmes Costin & Marcus, PLLC
Alexandria, Virginia
Born in Troy, Virginia
Spouse: Sergio Nirenberg
Children: Katie Nirenberg-Smith, Jared Nirenberg
St. Lawrence University, B.A. (1987)
Georgetown University Law Center, J.D. (1990)
Law Practice
Partner at Holmes Costin & Marcus, PLLC
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1990); Maryland (2006)
Bar Activities
Diversity Conference, Chair and Board of Governors (2016–2022)
Professional and Civic Activities
Virginia Board of Bar Examiners, Character and Fitness Committee Member; Virginia Women Attorneys Association, President, Secretary, board member; Fairfax Bar Association, CLE Committee; Alexandria Bar Association; Northern Virginia Swim League, Advertising Chair
Karl Anthony Doss
Freddie Mac
Born in Loring Air Force Base, Maine
Spouse: Pamela Nichelle Askew (Doss)
Children: Barrett Doss, Donovan Doss, Natalie Doss, and Faith Doss
Tulane University, B.A. (1983)
University of Minnesota School of Law, J.D. (1986)
Law Practice
Director, Workforce Diversity at Freddie Mac
Admitted to Virginia Bar (2003); Minnesota (1987); New York (2000) — both active
Bar Activities
VSB Standing Committee on Access to Legal Services, VSB Diversity Conference
Professional and Civic Activities
2019 Fellow, Racial Justice Institute, Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law; 2017 Recipient, Harold Marsh Community Service Award, Old Dominion Bar Association; 1997 Pro Bono Bublico Award for Excellence by an Attorney in the Public/Government/Judicial Sector, Hennepin County, MN Bar Association; Greater Richmond Bar Association, Board of Directors (2016–2022); Old Dominion Bar Association, member, (2014–present); Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, member; (2020–present); National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, Board of Directors (2010–present), Legal Information Network for Cancer, Pro Bono Committee (2016–17); Urban League of Greater Richmond, Board of Directors (2014–2016); Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.; Sacient, ACP/Faith 2 Fate Ministry, Board of Directors
Mahlon G. Funk, Jr. (Bud)
Hirschler Law
Richmond, Virginia
Born in Norfolk, Virginia
Spouse: Deceased
Children: M G Funk III and Ashley J. Funk
William & Mary Law School, J.D. (1975)
University of Dayton, M.A.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, B.S. in Aerospace Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, M.S. in Aerospace Engineering
Law Practice
Partner at Hirschler Law
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1975)
Professional and Civic Activities
Captain, US Air Force (1969–1972); Varina Lions Club, Past President, Current Scholarship Chair, and multiple other office positions at various times; Laurel Hill Church Trustee Board, Past Lay Leader, Staff Parish Committee, and multiple other leadership positions at various times; and Varina Route 5 Corridor Churches Outreach, Evangelism and Unity Initiative
Brian M. Hirsch
Hirsch & Ehlenberger
Reston, Virginia
Born in San Antonio, Texas
Spouse: Shari W. Hirsch
Children: Allie, Jacob, and Adam
The Pennsylvania State University, B.A. in Political Science, B.A. in Religious Studies (1982),
The American University, Washington College of Law, J.D. (1985)
Law Practice
Managing Partner at Hirsch & Ehlenberger, P.C.
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1985)
Bar Activities
Virginia State Bar Family Law Section (2002–2008), Chair (2006–2007); Virginia State Bar, Disciplinary Committee, (District Five, Section II) (2011–2017) (Chair, 2015–2016); served as Acting Bar Counsel (2013) Frequent lecturer on Family Law and Family Law Mediation
Profession and Civic Activities
Congregation Beth Emeth, General Counsel and Trustee (1996–present); Fairfax County Bar Association Community Outreach Committee (1998–2000); Second Saturday, Speaker (What You Need to Know about Divorce Mediation) (2013–present); Chantilly Youth Association Little League Baseball, Head Coach, (1999–2008)
Roderick R. Ingram (Rod)
Deputy City Attorney
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Born in Martinsville, Virginia
Spouse: Daniel J. Hunt
University of Virginia, B.A. (1994)
William & Mary Law School, J.D. (1997)
Law Practice
Deputy City Attorney in Virginia Beach
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1998)
Bar Activities
Local Government Law Section Board of Governors: Chair (2011–12), Member (2005–13)
Professional and Civic Activities
President of the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia (2015–16), Member of Board of Directors (2009–17); Trustee of Christ & St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Norfolk (former Junior Warden and Vestry member)
Chidi I. James
Blankingship & Keith, PC
Fairfax, Virginia
Born in Cleveland
Spouse: Dr. Faith Jackson James
Children: Shonari James, Gabriel James, Jordan James
Texas A&M University, B.S. in Sociology (1997)
George Mason University School of Law, J.D. (2001)
Law Practice
Partner at Blankingship & Keith, PC
Admitted to Virginia Bar (2001); Washington, D.C. Bar (2003)
Bar Activities
Committee on Lawyer Discipline – Vice Chair, Committee on Lawyer Discipline – Chair of Oversight Committee, 5th District Disciplinary Committee,19th Judicial Circuit Bar Council Elected Bar Council Representative (2 terms), VSB Diversity Conference Chair, VSB President-Elect
Other Professional and Civic Activities
Legal Services of Northern Virginia Board, Immediate Past President; Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Board; Fairfax Law Foundation Board; Old Dominion Bar Foundation Board; 1st Stage Theatre Board; George Mason University School of Law, Dean’s Advisory Council; Gainesville Basketball Association Board; Battlefield High School Mock Trial Coach; Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Community Development Corporation; Gainesville Basketball Association Board; Northern Virginia Black Attorneys Association, former president and board member
Michael E. Lacy
Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders, LLP
Richmond, Virginia
Born in Richmond, Virginia
Spouse: Kimberly Lacy
Children: Katherine, Connor, and Sloane
University of Virginia, B.A. in Government (1999)
William & Mary Law School, J.D. (2002)
Law Practice
Partner at Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders, LLP
Admitted to Virginia Bar (2002)
Bar Activities
Former member of Civil Litigation Executive Council
Professional and Civic Activities
Member of the Board of Governors at St. Catherine’s School, Richmond
William M. Moffet (Bill)
Abingdon, Virginia
Born in Arlington, Virginia
Spouse: Maureen C. Moffet
Children: Christopher M. Moffet and Erin Moffet
College of William and Mary, B.A. in Government (1976)
Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D. (1979)
Law Practice
Of Counsel at PennStuart
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1979); Tennessee (2004–2018)
Bar Activities
Ninth District Committee (1984–1988, Secretary 1984–1985, Chair 1985–1988); Committee on Lawyer Discipline (1993–1995); Disciplinary Board (1995–2002, Second Vice Chair 1999–2000, First Vice Chair 2000–2001, Chair 2001–2002); Lawyer Advertising/Solicitation Task Force (2004–2006); Harry L. Carrico Professionalism Course (Faculty 2015–2018, Council 2015–2021, Executive Committee 2020–2021, Nominating Committee 2016–2019)
Professional and Civic Activities
William King Foundation, Inc., Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer (1980–1984); Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons (1983–1986, Chair 1986); Abingdon United Methodist Church, Administrative Board (1994–2000), Finance Committee (1994–2000), Finance Committee Chair (1998–2000), Memorial Fund Chair (1996–1998), Board of Trustees (2001–2003); Mid-Atlantic Chamber Orchestra Board (1993)
Bruce H. Russell, II
Bruce H. Russell, II, P.C.
Lebanon, Virginia
Born in Richlands, Virginia
Spouse: Glenda Shannon Jordan (Russell)
Children: Clark and Eamon
University of Virginia, B.A. (1997)
University of Richmond, J.D. (2000)
Law Practice
Partner at Bruce H. Russell, II, P.C.
Admitted to Virginia Bar (2000)
Bar Activities
Virginia State Bar, Member, Bar Council, Member, Judicial Candidate Evaluation Committee, Member, Bench-Bar Relations Committee
Other Professional and Civic Activities
President, Watauga Elementary School P.T.O.; Board Member and Legal Counsel, Highlands Soccer Club; Board Member, Client-Centered Legal Services; Washington Co. Schools Superintendent’s Parental Advisory Committee; Member, Cedar Bluff United Methodist Church; Kentucky Colonel; Freemason (Richlands and Chester Lodges); Shriner (Jericho Temple)
Robert J. Stoney (Rob)
Blankingship & Keith, PC
Fairfax, Virginia
Spouse: Hon. Susan J. Stoney (Stanford)
Children: Mary, Emma, Jack
University of Virginia, B.A. in Psychology (1982)
William & Mary Law School, J.D. (1987)
Law Practice
Principal in Fairfax, Virginia
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1987)
Bar Activities
Member, Virginia Board of Bar Examiners (2020–present); Member, Character and Fitness Committee, Virginia Board of Bar Examiners (2018–2020); Member, VSB/VBA Task Force on Pro Bono (2010); Member VSB Task Force on Corporate Counsel Pro Bono Admission (2010); Chair, Virginia State Bar Special Committee on Access to Legal Services (2002–2007); Chair, VSB Subcommittee on Local Pro Bono Initiatives (2002–2006); Chair, VSB Special Subcommittee on Unbundling Legal Services (2003–2006)
Professional and Civic Activities
Member, Board of Governors, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association (2010–2012); Chair, Products Liability Section, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association (2010–2012); Fellow, American Bar Foundation (2004–present); President Legal Services of Northern Virginia (2003–2004); Member, Board of Directors: Legal Services of Northern Virginia (1998–2008); Member, Board of Directors: Legal Service of Virginia (2002–2006); Member, Board of Directors: Fairfax Law Foundation (2004–2006); Chair, Virginia State Bar Special Committee on Access to Legal Services; Chair, Fairfax Bar Association Pro Bono Advisory Board (1992–1996, 1998–2003)
Farnaz Farkish Thompson
McGuireWoods LLP
Washington, D.C
Born in Tehran, Iran
Spouse: Dan Thompson
University of California, Berkeley, B.A. in Comparative Literature (2004)
Regent University School of Law, J.D. (2007)
Law Practice
Partner at McGuireWoods LLP
Admitted to Virginia Bar (2008); California (2007); D.C. (2020)
Bar Activities
Faculty, Virginia State Bar Harry L. Carrico Professionalism Course; Member, Virginia State Bar Executive Committee (2019–2020); President, Virginia State Bar Young Lawyers Conference, (2019–2020); Chair, Virginia State Bar Bench-Bar Dinner (2012–2013)
Professional and Civic Activities
Faculty, Virginia State Bar Harry L. Carrico Professionalism Course; Board of Directors Member, Career Education Colleges and Universities; Board Member, Virginia Law Foundation; Adjunct Professor, Washington & Lee School of Law; Member, National Association of College and University Attorneys; Member, Virginia Law Foundation, Committee on Continuing Legal Education and Chair of Subcommittee on National Legal Programming; Member, Virginia State Bar Executive Committee (2019–2020); Member, Regent University School of Law Advisory Board (2016–2018); Member, Editorial Board, NACUANOTES, National Association of College and University Attorneys (2016–2018); Adjunct Professor, Regent University School of Law (2012–2015); Chair, Virginia State Bar Bench-Bar Dinner (2012–2013)
Jennifer Jo West (Jen)
Spotts Fain PC
Richmond, Virginia
Born in Ames, Iowa
Spouse: Reginald West
Children: Samantha
Virginia Tech, B.A. (1996)
William & Mary Law School, J.D. (2001)
Law Practice
Managing Partner at Spotts Fain PC
Admitted to Virginia Bar (2001)
Bar Activities
VSB Committee on Lawyer Discipline, current chair of Oversight subcommittee; VSB Disciplinary Committee, Chair, District 3 section, VSB Bankruptcy Section Board of Governors
Professional and Civic Activities
Richmond Bar Association, service on Membership Committee, CLE Committee, Long Range Planning Committee (member, 2016; chair 2019–present) and Administration of Justice Committee; Richmond Bar Association, Bankruptcy Section Member (2001–present), Board of Directors (2010–2016), Chair (2015–2016); National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, Member (2019–present); National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (2021 to present); Virginia Tech Athletic Fund, Member at Large of Board of Directors (2012–2016); Virginia Tech Athletic Fund, Member Privileges and Benefits Committee (2014–2016); American Bankruptcy Institute, Member (2001–present); Central Virginia Legal Aid Society, Pro Bono Hotline Volunteer (2002–2017); Greater Richmond Bar Foundation, Bankruptcy Pro Bono Triage Project Champion, Chair of Bankruptcy Triage Project (2017–2019)
Mary C. Zinsner
Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP
Washington, D.C.
Born in Wichita Falls, Texas
Spouse: Charles Zinsner, III (Chuck)
Children: Addie, Teddy, PJ, and Sally
College of the Holy Cross, B.A. in History and Economics (1987)
George Washington University National Law Center, J.D. (1990)
Law Practice
Partner at Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP
Admitted to Virginia Bar (1990), Maryland and District of Columbia
Professional and Civic Activities
Board of Directors, Virginia Law Foundation (in second of two three-year terms); Master, Pauline Newman Inn of Court; Permanent Member, Judicial Conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit