Sponsorship Opportunities
We are asking you to join with us as sponsors to help celebrate our incoming class of Virginia Law Foundation Fellows, and help them understand how proud we all are of their accomplishments and dedication to being the most special kind of lawyers America has – Citizen Lawyers
WHO: Fellows Class of 2021 Induction Ceremony
A distinguished group of Virginia lawyers, noted for their integrity, character, and outstanding service in their profession as well in as their communities, are being honored for using their skill, knowledge, and dedication to improve access to justice and promote the Rule of Law throughout the Commonwealth.
They will be joining a list of some of the most revered attorneys to practice in our state. A list of all VLF Fellows is available at www.virginialawfoundation.org/fellows/our-fellows/.
WHEN: On January 21, 2021 at 5:00 pm, the Virginia Law Foundation will host its Annual Fellows Induction Ceremony, but this time, due to health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be virtual! Sponsorship ads are due by January 4th.
WHAT: Two sponsorship levels are available for this celebrated event. Take advantage of an excellent opportunity to affiliate your firm, organization, or group with this special group of legal professionals Most important, however, this is the perfect way to show those being honored your gratitude and support for their unwavering dedication to the legal profession, their communities, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
- Your logo on the VLF website noting your sponsorship
- Your logo on VLF Induction PowerPoint noting your sponsorship
- Your logo in the VLF Annual Report noting your sponsorship
- Your separate sponsorship advertisement on the VLF Induction PowerPoint
- Your logo in an entire year of issues of our email newsletter “The Brief”
- A free link to all Experience Philanthropy online singer-songwriter concerts produced by the VLF and the Nashville Songwriters Association International for all of 2021
- Your logo on the VLF website noting your sponsorship
- Your logo on VLF Induction PowerPoint noting your sponsorship
- Your logo in the VLF Annual Report noting your sponsorship
- Your logo in an entire year of issues of our email newsletter “The Brief”
HOW: To select a sponsorship now or for more information about this special event, please contact Director of Foundation Operations Teresa Moore at (804) 648-0112 or via email at tmoore@virginialawfoundation.org.
Click here to view our 2021 Fellows Induction Sponsorship flyer.